TEIRESIAS mining all the maximal patterns () with a support over a min threshold K. There some key points of TEIRESIAS algorithms:
1)The growth of the patterns
The growth of the patterns is accomplished by convolute current pattern by a short length pattern. Pattern A and pattern B are convolutable if the last L(very small) characters of pattern A is the same as the first L characters of pattern B, then by making the L characters overlaped, we get a longer length pattern candidate. For example, convolute the pattern A.BCA and the pattern BCA.D to the pattern A.BCA.D.
1)The pruning method
The apriori property doesn't hold for the sequences with gap constraints, but not in every cases, because we want to mine the minimal patterns, the supersequence of a minimal pattern could be a new minimal pattern, we can also use a similar apriori property to pruning the search spaces.
2)Support calculation and gap checking
The algorithm adopts a bitset operation methods to achieve fast support calculation and gap checking.
The algorithm in the paper adopt a 2-stages sechme, first generate a set of candidates of minimal distinguishing subsequence patterns, second, minimize the candidates set, get all the real minimal distinguishing subsequence patterns.