The article summarized three typical method of segmenting time series: sliding window, top-down and bottom-up.
- Sliding window method is to consider the time series as a data stream, and segment the series from early time to later time data. Every time the method steps forward a timestamp, adds the current value to exist window, or closes the current window and establishes a new window for incoming data. The method could be used as online processing method.
- Top-down method is to recursively cut the current data segment into 2 sub segments, until some error threshold is reached.
- Bottom-up method is to construct a lot of very small pieces segments, and iteratively combine the two segments with minimal error according to original time series.
The results show that top-down and bottom-up methods approximate the original time series better than sliding window due to the sliding window method is lack of global view about data. But top-down and bottom-up cannot be used to perform online time series segmentation.
The article provide a new algorithm SWAB based on bottom-up and sliding window which provide a semi-global view of the time series data. The algorithm establishes a buffer for several sliding windows, and uses bottom-up method to combine them. The SWAB even achieves a better approximation than the bottom-up method.
Daniel Lemire, A Better Alternative to Piecewise Linear Time Series Segmentation, SIAM Data Mining 2007, 2007.