The prefixspan is a key algorithm for mining sequential patterns. I have implemented the algorithm in Python. The algorithm is based on the following paper:
Jian Pei, Jiawei Han, Senior Member, Behzad Mortazavi-asl, Jianyong Wang, Helen Pinto, Qiming Chen, Umeshwar Dayal. Mining Sequential Patterns by Pattern-Growth: The PrefixSpan Approach. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2004.
or their conference paper
You may download the source code at the following addresses:
Jian Pei, Jiawei Han, Senior Member, Behzad Mortazavi-asl, Jianyong Wang, Helen Pinto, Qiming Chen, Umeshwar Dayal. Mining Sequential Patterns by Pattern-Growth: The PrefixSpan Approach. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2004.
or their conference paper
You may download the source code at the following addresses:
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Did you take your implementation down?
I'm in a fix and would really appreciate it if you could send me the code.